The City of Oslo uses the climate budget as a governance tool to systematize and target its climate work. The climate budget is an integrated part of the financial budget and puts climate work on the agenda in all municipal budget discussions. Climate considerations are also included in the city’s formal budget documents for the agencies.

The climate budget contains measures to be implemented during the financial plan period and assigns responsibility for implementation and reporting. The measures in the climate budget are reported on three times a year, in line with other budget reporting, providing a clear overview of progress and opportunities for adjustments.

This document is a technical appendix to the Climate Budget 2025, Proposition 1/2025, the City Government’s 2025 budget proposal, and the financial plan for 2025-2028. The document outlines the methodology behind the results shown in the Climate Budget 2025. This includes how approved measures have been calculated and the uncertainties in these calculations. Additionally, it describes identified measures that are not yet adopted but could help close the gap toward achieving the climate goals.