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2.2 Oslo’s climate targets

…be needed. Oslo and other major cities must deliver on this. However, Oslo is also dependent on strengthened regional and central government instruments to achieve its climate targets. The most…

3 Other impacts of measures in the Climate Budget

…emissions and improves the urban environment (Norwegian Public Roads Administration, 2019). Better cycling facilities (measure 7) The bicycle is a readily accessible and affordable means of transport. Facilitating safe cycling…

4 Method used for the climate budget analysis

…emissions after the measure has been implemented in 2022 and 2025. 4.1.3 Bottom-up and top-down approach Measure calculations can be performed using either a top-down or bottom-up methodology. Top-down is…

5 Reference list

…Transportøkonomisk institutt, 2020. Aarhaug, J., Oppegaard, S. M. N., Gundersen, F. H., Hartveit, K. J. L., Skollerud, K. H., & Dapi, B., TØI rapport Nr. 1802/2020; s. 142. Drosjer i…